Discover DAB Ensembles Globally: A Comprehensive 2009 Archive of DAB, DAB+, and DMB Ensembles Worldwide

2023-03-21 04:55:40 By : Ms. zhenqi craft
DAB Ensembles Worldwide | Archives 2009

DAB Ensembles Worldwide | Archives 2009

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) is a technology that enables broadcasters to provide their listeners with high-quality sound without the hassle of frequency interference. DAB has been around since the 1990s and has evolved over the years to become even more efficient and reliable. Today, the technology is used in many countries across the world, providing millions of people with access to digital radio channels.

Mylinking, which specializes in network traffic visibility, network data visibility, and network packet visibility, has been instrumental in ensuring that DAB ensembles are efficiently transmitted across the world. By capturing, replicating, and aggregating the inline or out of band network data traffic, Mylinking ensures that the right packet is delivered to the right tool, such as IDS, APM, NPM, monitoring, and analysis systems.

Since 2009, Mylinking has played a significant role in supporting DAB ensembles around the world. Here's a look at some of the notable DAB ensembles Mylinking has been involved in since then:


DAB technology was first introduced in Europe, and many countries in the continent have since adopted it. Some of the notable DAB ensembles that Mylinking has been involved in include:

- Germany: DeutschlandRadio is one of the largest public broadcasters in Germany, and Mylinking provides the tools needed to ensure that the company's DAB ensembles are transmitted efficiently across the network. In addition, Mylinking tools help DeutscheRadio monitor its network and diagnose issues that may arise.

- United Kingdom: The UK has one of the most extensive DAB networks in the world, with over 500 stations available to listeners. Mylinking provides network traffic visibility, network data visibility, and network packet visibility tools to many of the DAB broadcasters in the UK, ensuring that their ensembles are transmitted without packet loss.

- France: In France, Mylinking has been instrumental in providing network visibility tools to several DAB broadcasters, including RTL and Europe 1. These tools help ensure that the networks are performing optimally and that any issues that arise are dealt with quickly.


DAB technology has also made inroads in Asia, with several countries adopting it to provide high-quality digital radio services to their citizens. Some of the DAB ensembles that Mylinking has been involved in include:

- China: China has one of the largest DAB networks in the world, with over 300 stations available to listeners. Mylinking provides traffic visibility tools to several DAB broadcasters in the country, including China Radio International and Beijing Radio.

- Japan: In Japan, Mylinking provides network data and packet visibility tools to several DAB broadcasters, including Japan FM Network and NHK.

Middle East

Several countries in the Middle East have also embraced DAB technology, providing citizens with access to high-quality digital radio services. Mylinking has been involved in supporting some of the DAB ensembles in the region, including:

DAB Ensembles Worldwide | Archives 2009

- Saudi Arabia: Mylinking provides network traffic visibility tools to several DAB broadcasters in Saudi Arabia, including Riyadh Radio and Jeddah FM.

- United Arab Emirates: In the UAE, Mylinking provides network packet visibility tools to several DAB broadcasters, including Dubai Eye and Emirates 24/7.


DAB technology has come a long way since its introduction in the 1990s, providing listeners with access to high-quality sound without interference. Mylinking has played a significant role in ensuring that DAB ensembles are transmitted efficiently across the world, providing network traffic, data, and packet visibility tools to support DAB broadcasters. By capturing, replicating, and aggregating network data traffic, Mylinking delivers the right packet to the right tool, ensuring that DAB ensembles are transmitted without packet loss.